Inbound Content Marketing
Traditionally, marketing has been ‘outbound’ or ‘interruptive’ – it comes at you, uninvited, while you’re watching your favourite TV programme, reading the paper or your favourite magazine, or browsing a website.
The main issue with it? It often doesn’t work – you go to make a cup of tea, flick past the page or close the pop-up ad without absorbing it. For big companies looking for brand awareness, this method arguably serves a purpose. For those looking for a hard and fast ROI, not so much.
Inbound Content Marketing
Traditionally, marketing has been ‘outbound’ or ‘interruptive’ – it comes at you, uninvited, while you’re watching your favourite TV programme, reading the paper or your favourite magazine, or browsing a website.
The main issue with it? It often doesn’t work – you go to make a cup of tea, flick past the page or close the pop-up ad without absorbing it. For big companies looking for brand awareness, this method arguably serves a purpose. For those looking for a hard and fast ROI, not so much.
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing usually means creating content – whether a blog post, FAQs page, image, video etc – that aims to answer a user query.
What makes this inbound marketing (rather than interruptive or outbound) is that users discover sites while attempting to solve a problem. This helps marketers capture them earlier in the buying cycle – they may not even be comparing companies at that point, because they don’t even know if a solution to their issue exists. Inbound marketing helps companies present that solution and subtly highlight why they’re the best choice to solve it.
And it works. Inbound tactics generate 54% more leads than traditional paid marketing. It is also around half the cost to generate a lead via inbound marketing (£95 vs £246), and for that reason was voted the most commercially important digital trend for 2015 by readers of marketing blog Smart Insight (with 29.6% of the votes, more than double the nearest rival).
How can Theme Digital help me?
We offer everything from a FREE initial audit to assess your current standing through to full management of your inbound content strategy. Our team of in-house content creators will ensure everything you put out is on brand and appealing to your audience, and we’re also available to offer training to your own teams if needed.
This is especially useful in the case of B2B sites, which have a very clearly defined user journey that transcends industry and location – our B2B audit is geared around ensuring your site provides information at every point of this journey.
Simply fill out the form below to order your FREE audit, and we’ll take it from there.
Our Success
increase in traffic to key course pages for training provider following content marketing campaign
more awareness through image sharing on Google My Business vs other companies in the same industry
Thought for the day
When it comes to UX testing, ask the right questions – don’t try to solve a possible issue with contact form before you’ve figured out whether your users know what you, why they should get in touch, what your prices are and so on.
What Marketing Activities Does Inbound Include?
- Persona development
- Blogging & content writing
- Social media
- SEO & landing pages
What Is Marketing Automation Vs. What Is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing is the method of attracting relevant prospects to your website by providing useful content that answers their needs and challenges. It is persuasive rather than interruptive.
Marketing automation software is designed to streamline the management of Inbound marketing tasks.
When will I see results?
Inbound marketing is a process of developing the right strategies and forming strong relationships with quality leads, so it’s not something that will deliver overnight success (though you may see some quick wins if you’re currently doing nothing).
But by having clear planning and realistic goals, coupled with a knowledge of your typical buyer cycle (you can’t expect overnight success if your cycle is 18 months), will ensure everyone is aligned on what’s expected, when.
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